Andrea Azzola

Tips and Techniques for Lifestyle Design

MavensMate unable to reach GitHub on Windows

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MavensMate is a great plugin for the platform, built on the Sublime Text IDE. It is provided by the community (with Joe Ferraro as the creator and main contributor) as a free alternative to the well known IDE shipped by

Now, if you install the plugin on a Microsoft Windows 7 o 8 workstation, under certain conditions (usually proxy or firewalling, however not my case) you may get the following error:

Installation of Sublime Text plugin failed. This is likely due to the installer being unable to reach GitHub. If you are behind a firewall or using a proxy, you should configure git accordingly (google: git config --global https.proxy) and ensure your HTTPS/HTTPS_PROXY environment variable(s) are set properly. Otherwise, please log an issue on the MavensMate GitHub project.



There's already an issue on GitHub for this, and a useful workaround by Joe Ferraro himself.
These are the lines that worked for me:

  1. Fire up the shell/bash and move to the MavensMate plugin directory (replace the username and root if needed)
    cd "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages"
  2. Launch the following script
    git clone --recursive MavensMate
    cd MavensMate 
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

Supposedly, when you'll run Sublime Text again, MavensMate will be there.
But you're not done yet, remeber to configure the workspace through the menu MavensMate - Setting.



I've always had problems with installing MM, and any time it tried to auto updated I had to rehash a new way to try to get things at least stable. This solution was perfect, and so easy. Thank you!


Thank you so much! This worked :)
